Quality Policy
MCE Software for Manufacturing
MCE S.r.l. was born as a MCM S.p.A. software division and this former role has covered the most part of its history since the foundation in 1987. However, during recent years the company has started a process for evolving as a new autonomous entity able to sell its own innovative software services to support the manufacturing industry all over the world.
The software services that MCE designs, develops, installs and maintains, are characterized by strong technological innovation, guaranteed by a constant scanning of the trends that continually cross the ICT sector, by a close relationship with the world of research, but also by its streamlined structure and therefore capable of adapting quickly, with highly competent staff and operational flexibility.
MCE considers people at the centre of its business and establishes them as a primary value..
The ability to listen to customers and the inclination to provide solutions and services suited to them are a fundamental part of company growth. For MCE, identifying with customers‘ needs as well as seeing their problems as one’s own are the conditions that facilitates the development of effective solutions that meet the end user requirements.
The binding with the parent company MCM has always been a strong source of motivation for MCE in being a protagonist with real contributions to development and the success of the group.
The essence of MCE is identified with its technical staff: the level of competence and problem-solving ability of software developers constitute the main company value.
The territory, from whose deep-rooted connection MCE has benefited, represents another fundamental cornerstone, through the quality of its scholar institutions, the complexity of the industrial fabric and the widespread skills in mechanical processing.
On the basis of these values, priority is given to the effective resolution of problems and the pursuit of technically satisfying objectives, over the effective use of resources and economic results.
The wealth of skills accumulated over the last thirty years is the basis from which it was decided to start the evolutionary path of MCE from a technical division of MCM to a successful independent company in the panorama of providers of software for automation in the manufacturing sector.
With a view to broadening its skills and new market prospects, MCE intends to enhance its ability to develop innovative and original software, with the introduction of agile organizational methodologies, supported by state-of-the-art IT infrastructures for collaboration between developers.
External collaborations through experts with specific know-how, such as the mathematics needed for the development of machine learning algorithms or the ergonomics for the improvement of operator interfaces, are considered integrated into the digital development infrastructure.
The relationship with academia and research has always been considered a strategic factor for developing and proposing new products and services. In addition to its parent company MCM, the company directly promotes national and international research projects and participates in innovation policy development tables.
In order to access the global market, it is considered essential to activate collaborations with external distributors, capable of covering the territory and adapting the solutions developed by MCE to the end customer. To make the contribution of these external collaborations effective and measurable, it is considered essential to make collaborative tools available on the web through which to implement the necessary training and certification processes.
For marketing activities, solutions based on digital platforms are also favoured.
In the perspective of continuous improvement, MCE has decided to equip itself with a management system that facilitates company activities, effectively guiding the achievement of the objectives, that is based on the Quality Management System and whose primary foundation reference is the UNI EN ISO 9001 standards.
In this direction, fundamental aspects are considered the following:
- Listen to customers, interpreting their needs to pursue satisfaction beyond expectations.
- Adopt and maintain an effective Quality Management System.
- Optimize business processes to prevent anomalies and improve the overall system performance.
- Promote correct behavioural models in order to reduce risks associated to daytime activities.
- Strengthen the professional level and competence of personnel by promoting continuous education and training.
- Document the functioning of the company processes and disseminate their operating methods.
- Make employees aware and motivated about the relevance of their work and how that contributes to the achievement of company objectives.
- Strengthen the relationship with external stakeholders, in particular with partners, collaborators, Research and Innovation Centers and Universities.
- Guarantee increasing Quality levels in the direction of continuous improvement.
This policy is communicated, understood and accessible to all stakeholders via the company website (https://mce-solutions.it/).
Rev.00, 30/04/2020
MCE S.r.l.
The Director
Dr Giuseppe Fogliazza