COOPERATION HUMANS VS ROBOTS Specifically, Sharework, which stands for “Safe and effective HumAn-Robot coopEration toWards a better cOmpetiveness on cuRrent automation lacK manufacturing processes”, will establish a modular system designed to adjust collaborative robotics to each industrial process and to the workers themselves, and will also make it possible to adapt the robots currently installed in each plant to ensure more effective cooperation with humans. The development of the system also envisages the continuous study of human factors with the aim of adapting and improving user perception.
IMPLEMENTATION IN FOUR TYPES OF REAL INDUSTRIAL SCENARIOS In this collaborative robotics growth scenario, Sharework will begin by applying human-robot collaboration in four types of real industrial scenarios in the automotive, railway, metal and capital goods manufacturing industries. To this end, it will develop modular software based on human-robot collaboration capable of flexibly and efficiently adapting to the required work, thanks to the robot’s perception of the environment through multiple sensors, smart data processing, augmented reality and gesture and speech recognition technology. It will also continuously evaluate work ergonomics and make suggestions for improving the worker’s posture.
MCM PARTNERSHIP Sharework is being developed by a consortium of 15 partners from six different countries (Germany, Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg) that encompasses six research institutions (Eurecat, LMS, FRAUNHOFER, CNR, TUDA, RWTH); eight industrial partners, of which three are SMEs (STRANE-France, STAM-Italy, GOIZPER-Spain); and five large companies (ASLTOM-Spain, CEMBRE-Italy, NISSAN-Spain, INTRASOFT-Luxembourg, MCM-Italy), in addition to a standardising organisation (UNE-Spain).